6-day Shaktipāt and Meditation Retreat with Lina Leimonte in Bali, Indonesia, January 28th – February 02, 2024
Pondok pisang Jl. Pantai Mendira, Br. Mendira, Ds. Sengkidu, Manggis, Karangasem, Candi Dasa, IndonesiaThe Awakened Kundalini Shakti is the Awakened Essence of you, gradually beginning to remember and recognize what she truly is. As this happens, all the veils of misidentifications, attachments, and…
6-ių dienų šaktipato ir meditacijų retrytas su Lina Leimonte Balyje, Indonezijoje, sausio 28d. – vasario 2d., 2024
Pondok pisang Jl. Pantai Mendira, Br. Mendira, Ds. Sengkidu, Manggis, Karangasem, Candi Dasa, IndonesiaPažadinta Kundalini Šakti yra jūsų pačių pažadinta esybė, kuri po truputį pradeda prisiminti ir atpažinti, kas Ji iš tikrųjų yra. Tuomet visos netikros tapatybės bei tapatinimasis, prisirišimas, elgsenos įpročiai bei…
3-Day Shaktipāt and Meditation Retreat with Lina Leimonte, Shunyata, New Zealand, March 15-17th, 2024
SHUNYATA | Awareness, Meditation and Retreat Center 144 Rocklands Road, Clifton, Golden Bay, New ZealandAwakening is not about becoming special. It’s the journey that begins when we truly start to look within. We recognise that what is within us is who we truly are…
2-day Body Consciousness Awakening Retreat with Lina Leimonte and Jeanette Ida, Shunyata, New Zealand
SHUNYATA | Awareness, Meditation and Retreat Center 144 Rocklands Road, Clifton, Golden Bay, New ZealandOn the spiritual path, we learn that our body is an essential part of waking up. It is the primary vehicle, container, and space holder of this life, as well…
Kennenlern-Vortrag “Shaktipāt mit Herzmeditation” mit Lina Leimonte am 21. Juni 2024 in Hamburg
Seminarhaus Duvenstedt Poppenbütteler Chaussee 110, Hamburg, GermanyWas ist Shakti oder Shaktipāt? Und wie lässt sich das Erwachen der Kundalini im Alltag anwenden? Welche Vorteile bringt es mit sich? Wir laden dich herzlich zu einem Kennenlern-Vortrag "Shaktipāt…
Introductory event ” Shaktipāt and Heart meditation” with Lina Leimonte in Hamburg, Germany, June 21th, 2024
Seminarhaus Duvenstedt Poppenbütteler Chaussee 110, Hamburg, GermanyWhat is Shakti or Shaktipāt and how is the Awakening of the Kundalini applicable to everyday life? What is the benefit of it? We are inviting you to a special…
2-day Shaktipāt and Meditation Intensive with Lina Leimonte, Hamburg, Germany, June 22 -23rd, 2024
Seminarhaus Duvenstedt Poppenbütteler Chaussee 110, Hamburg, GermanyAwakening of the Kundalini Shakti is an awakening on every level of your being – your consciousness, awareness, physical body, as well as all the subtle levels (mental, emotional, etc).…
2-tägiges Shaktipāt und Meditations-Intensivseminar mit Lina Leimonte am 22-23. Juni 2024 in Hamburg, Deutschland
Seminarhaus Duvenstedt Poppenbütteler Chaussee 110, Hamburg, GermanyDas Erwachen der Kundalini Shakti ist ein Erwachen auf jeder Ebene deines Wesens. Es ist das Erwachen deines Bewusstseins und deines physischen Körpers, sowie das Erwachen auf allen subtilen Ebenen,…
5 dienų Šaktipato ir Meditacijų Retrytas su Lina Meditacijų centre „Zen Miškas“, birželio 26-30 d., 2024
Meditacijų centras "Zen Miškas" Zen Miškas 19194, Čiobiškis, LithuaniaVIETŲ NEBĖRA Retrytai nėra skirti pabėgti nuo gyvenimo. Tai proga trumpam atsitraukti, gauti nuorodas, kryptis, žemėlapį, kaip gyvenime judėti, jį gyventi, jame augti ir išmokti jį matyti iš Sąmonės, o…
5-day Shaktipāt and Meditation Retreat with Lina at Meditation Center “Zen Forest”, June 26 -30th, 2024
Meditation center "Zen Forest" Zen Miškas 19194, Čiobiškis, LithuaniaFULLY BOOKED Retreats are not intended as means to escape from life. Their purpose is to step back, take a moment, get directions, guidance, a map on how to move…
1-dienis Šaktipato ir Meditacijų intensyvas su Lina Leimonte Vilniuje, liepos 13 d., 2024
Studio "Ifeel" A. Jaksto 11, LT-01105 Vilnius, Vilnius, LithuaniaPAPILDOMAS RENGINYS SU LINA LEIMONTE! Kviečiame visus, netilpusius į 5-dienį retrytą, visus nedrįsusius ar negalėjusius, taip pat visus, norinčius susipažinti, bent trumpam patirti Šakti energiją, gauti Šaktipato iniciaciją ir pažvelgti…
1-day Shaktipāt and Meditation Intensive with Lina Leimonte in Vilnius, Lithuania, July 13th, 2024
Studio "Ifeel" A. Jaksto 11, LT-01105 Vilnius, Vilnius, LithuaniaSPECIAL EVENT WITH LINA LEIMONTE We invite everyone who did not fit into the 5-day retreat or could not make it, as well as everyone who wants to get acquainted…