What is
Shakti is the primordial energy of everything manifested, be it an object, a human being, a sound, an animal, a vision, a situation or
a relationship. It is the divine creative potential, the divine intelligence, the divine conscious energy or the “stem cell” out of which everything is created.

Upcoming Events
11-Day Experiential Shakti and Meditation Retreat with Lina Leimonte in Japan, April 1st- 11th, 2025
April 1, 2025-April 11, 2025
Firsthand experiences
Lina is a truly gifted and highly intuitive teacher who has been a guiding light on my awakening journey. She showed up in my life at exactly the right time, catalysing a path toward the healing of my human self. She helped me to understand that all of my messy humanness does not need to be transcended, only seen and embraced. Lina has shown me a way back to my true self and home; to the all-nothingness that I am, and has taught me the tools for facing and embracing each emotion, trauma and experience as they arise, so that they may play out and then rest back in being.
Nina H., New Zealand
As a practitioner of Holistic Health, I have gained even clearer insight on my ‘journeys’ with clients. Experiencing greater energy and more ‘powerful’ sessions. This has been all due to Lina and her amazingly nourishing Shakti energy. Lina awakens your potential and self-belief, bringing your abilities to the forefront with her warmth and genuine encouragement of your own abilities.
Lina is an amazing light, pure and genuine.
Nature’s Effusion, NZ
Lina creates a space that enables a deep sense of trust. Her teachings come from direct life experiences, observations and learnings, having lived a life before finding her way to spiritual guidance. She is someone you learn from by her actions as much as her words. She is first a friend, then a spiritual guide.
Your support is always appreciated