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5-day Shaktipāt and Meditation Retreat with Lina in Meditation Center “Zen Forest”, August 11-15th
2023 08 11 - 2023 08 15
560 EUR
Living from an identification perspective is painful. It causes us to suffer deeply.
When we identify ourselves with everything that we think and feel, everything we define ourselves with, or what we have been told, we waste precious energy fighting against them—to defend them, prove them right or wrong, get rid of them, or even cling on to them. This is an exhausting way to be.
But what if we could shift our perspective and live from Awareness instead?
This is how we begin to understand that we are not our thoughts, ideas, or descriptions. We start to see that it’s all one big experience, from which we are not separate.
To live from an awareness perspective is the liberation that everybody is seeking. It is every person’s birthright and our true home.
We are inviting you to explore this perspective during a 5-day retreat in Lithuania at “ZEN FOREST“ retreat centre, with Lina’s guidance, who will be returning for summer back to Europe.
During the retreat everyone will be able to tune into Shakti energy and receive initiation.
We will meditate, discuss, and the body will also be able to relax and integrate energy through Sama yoga practice together with Ulrika Sandström. It is a soft, easy, loving and deeply relaxing form of yoga which you can do without having tried yoga before.
560 EUR (all included: event, vegetarian food, accommodation in comfortable three people room)
August 11th-15th, 2023.
Retreat centre „Zen Miškas“ (https://www.facebook.com/zen.miskas.ciobiskis), Čiobiškis.
Please register or ask questions via shakti@leimonte.eu
In summer we will announce more detailed info.
To confirm registration a deposit will be needed. We will inform everyone in detail later.
Please, find the rest of the details about the event below the gallery.